
Are there any Raid virgins left here (PS4)? (Recruitment)

by Pyromancy @, discovering fire every week, Thursday, October 23, 2014, 10:26 (3535 days ago) @ someotherguy

I'm in a similar boat. I have a team of 3 PS4 Raid Virgins ready to go (though tbh our gear could use some levelling. Or mine could at least). Unfortunately one of our number is impatient and just wants to read a guide as we go :/

If you're willing to compromise that far though, we're hoping to make plans tomorrow to have a go at it on Sunday. Then we just need 2 more.

We are:

Lvl 28 Defender, Mediocre weapon selection (me!)
Lvl 28 Bladedancer/Gunslinger, Moderate weapon selection
Lvl 27 Sunsinger, Good weapon selection

I remember reading your prior topic, but decided to not reply in it. The time change really had me worried (U.S. Central Time) and the thought of using a guide bummed me out.
I'm not available Sunday until late in the evening because family will be in town

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