Subscriptions!!! *OT*

by Kitekiller, Wednesday, February 27, 2013, 09:58 (4087 days ago) @ ShadowOfTheVoid

and keep paying $60 a year for XBL on top of that.

I know this has been a sticking point this generation, but it's not going away. Sony showed off some impressive services, some of which even they said weren't working yet, and I really doubt any of that will be free. It would take money to maintain that infrastructure, money that i don't think console or game sales could cover. A page on their social network will probably be free, and maybe online pay, but all the video sharing will likely cost some measure of money (even Bungie charged for that). The fact they didn't talk about costs at all during their presentation almost guarantee's that it's nothing to get excited about

Not that it's all peaches on the Microsoft side. At best I expect a tiered service to be introduced (starting at the current price) and at worst, a general blanket price raise, but that's a bit too much speculation, even for me.

As you said, time will tell, until then, I'm not committing to anything. Although, wouldn't it be great if Bungie was the first developer to offer cross platform play to Sony and Microsoft!!

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