So, who's getting Destiny for PlayStation?

by Beckx, Wednesday, February 27, 2013, 07:45 (4087 days ago) @ ShadowOfTheVoid

Barring some strange reversal, I'll be getting a PS4 day one, and the Share feature is a compelling reason for me to want to do most of my gaming on it.

But as I said a few days ago, I'm excited to see what MS has to show. I'm a bit worried about a couple of the rumored items (a mandatory kinect install being the biggest).

My sense from all the rumors (including Jon Blow's summary of why he chose to develop for PS4 rather than Durango) is that PS4 may end up being the better all-in gaming machine, while Durango will be very strong in games but more focused on other media consumption. That, too, will be a factor for me. Lastly, if PS4's used game lock is at publisher option and Durango's is more universally enforced, that will be another factor (not because I'm looking to hit the local gamestop but rather as a collector who often picks up titles years after they've ceased to be available at retail).

At the end of the day, it comes down to this: Destiny isn't the game that will drive my desire to own a specific console, because it will be available on all of them, and while they will be different in many ways, they're both x86 and I don't expect big publisher multiplats to be that different. I'm in for PS4. If Durango has games I want to play, I'll be in for that, too (as mentioned days ago, Cave, MOSS and G.rev games may be the biggest driver for me to pick one up). After all, I only needed to hear "Platinum games" to make me buy a Wii U. :)

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