I really hope not

by Kitekiller, Wednesday, February 27, 2013, 09:23 (4087 days ago) @ kidtsunami

I hear where you're coming from, even if I don't necessirialy agree. I greatly appreciated Bungie's view on an even footing for all players in the halo series, but this is a new franchise with new mechanics. Even if nothing has been confirmed by Bungie, role-playing mechanics have never been more pervasive, and I don't think Activision would have taken the deal without some form of investment to keep players coming back. I know that's a bit of a depressing way of looking at it, but that's the reality of it. Bungie wont push out a game without game mechanics they believe in, but something made Activision bite, and I don't think it was Bungie's name alone.

All that being said, nothing about leveling has been confirmed, and it may work out the way you purposed. Even better, the question still stands. If you end the first game with your favorite gear and weapons, would you want to bring that gear into a fresh game? You yourself expressed worry about being a better character because of time invested, so would it be balanced to start off with the gear you're experienced with?

If everyone could bring their gear along to the next game, would that limit what Bungie can do, having to dedicate memory to old gear, limiting what they can do with new gear for balancing reasons? Is the aspect of all new gear enough to give up a sense of continuation and growth in the universe?

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