
I really hope not

by kidtsunami @, Atlanta, GA, Wednesday, February 27, 2013, 01:26 (4087 days ago) @ Kitekiller

I find the basic notion of "levelling" very frustrating.

I don't want to have my character hit for more damage because they got to some level by grinding through levels or got a sweet loot drop.

I want my character to hit for more damage because I got better at targeting or if it's because of a sweet loot drop I want there to be downsides to the loot such as slower movement/reloading.

If it all worked that way, you could keep all your customization through each game without having to worry about it. And yeah it's tough to balance things, that's a part of good game design.

At its best, you don't play through each halo game picking up progressively more powerful guns and never touching others. You move through the game picking up weapons based off the given situation and what strengths the weapons have in that context.

Now if Destiny ends up having Levelling, I will deal with the frustration of being slightly off-level from my friends and the hollow satisfaction of doing more damage with the same character to the same enemy because I've simply been playing longer. I just hope it doesn't go that route.

And I guess that's mostly what we should be doing here... hoping.

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