Why I haven't been around (and why I envy you) (DBO)

by Dagoonite, Somewhere in Iowa, lost in a cornfield., Monday, July 28, 2014, 20:50 (3860 days ago) @ Dagoonite

just to make one thing clear. I'm not fishing for sympathy or anything. I'm actually thankful for the surgery -- the pain has been getting increasingly unbearable over the past five years, to the point where this winter the pain was keeping me awake for days at a time. i am totally okay with this downtime because I know that things will be far better after therapy is done. I'm just envious as all get out of alll of you and cannot wait to be a valuable membeer of the team in game. Or aat least a good bullrt sponge.

the doctor says I', making a good recovery for what they did in there so no worries there.

Kermit: Looking forward to it!

RC: You would focus on that. ;)

ohai zach: What, I can't typo that just once more for old time's sake? I should be on by then. I'm pretty sure. I'm already to the point where I'm not drooling. Randomly passing out? Yes, still got that, but I'm making progress and cutting back the meds when I can. So with luck, I should be able to grip the controller and squeak in panic by then. And laugh hilariously when I die.

yakaman: First off, I would like to apologize because I got your name confused with Gatchaman at first. Blame the meds. :) And secondly, thank you. A lot of people have come out of the woodwork with similar stories both before and after my surgery, and they keep me going when I want to gnaw off my own shoulder. Though, one question I've been meaning to ask people and my doctor but keep forgetting to: Is it normal for the pain pills to still leave you feeling the pain but simply not minding it so much?

Also, Vaugeness, don't feel bad. My stock response to someone in pain is to say I'm sorry and try and hug them. Wringing of hands and fretting uselessly is another popular one. he ever weak-sounding 'take care of yoursef' while mentally kicking myself for sounding lame is another standby of mine. :) You're not alone.

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