Why I haven't been around (and why I envy you) (DBO)

by Dagoonite, Somewhere in Iowa, lost in a cornfield., Monday, July 28, 2014, 10:40 (3860 days ago)

So, some of you may remember me. Some of you might not. I haven't posted in quite some time, either here or on HBO, and I wanted to explain why. Did I lose interest? Naw. Did I get eaten by a grue? Nope. Was I kidnapped by aliens and forced to save humanity armed only with a water bottle? Yes, but that's besides the point.

There have been two reasons for my silence. The first, and foremost, is that I went on a Destiny media lockdown. See, I have this problem with hype. I get to a point where I get excited, but any hype beyond that and the media piece becomes a huge letdown no matter how good it is. I suffered this with Halo 2, I constantly suffer this with movies, and there are TV shows that I have gained less than zero interest in solely due to fans frothing at the mouth to me about. (Sorry Bronies.)

As I started to get more and more excited about Destiny, I realized that I was in the danger of reaching this threshold. I knew I wanted to play it, and I was getting excited over an MMO (a genre that I'm notoriously iffy about), and heck, I even have a poster on my wall. And, as I read a thread on here, I realized that I was getting too into the forums. So into it that I was reading threads that I probably shouldn't have in order to avoid this threshold. So I made the decision to walk away for a while.

"Until the beta comes out," I said. Then I could play it and get excited again.

Fortunately, I found ways to occupy myself that didn't involve the forums. Some good, some bad. I'll spare you all of the drama there, but it's also why I haven't been on Xbox for most of this time, and why even when I have been, I've been invisible.

So why do I envy you? Because it's taken me two days to write this pathetic collection of words. The beta came out, and I could play it and jump back in with everybody, right? Well, no. The xbox works and all, but I can't actually play it right now. I'm actually typing this one-handed, as lifting my arm up to the keyboard hurts like a mother.

I recently had shoulder surgery to take care of a torn labrum, rotor cuff damage, more bone spurs than the surgeon's ever seen, and half an inch(!!!) of scar tissue. Needless to say, the pain pills have made me loopy and the thought of gripping a controller in both hands isn't exactly something that I've been looking forward to. So I still haven't been able to get excited about the game. This was the worst timing ever. Of all time. There's a part of me kicking myself for having waited, and another part that says "you could have held out for a few more months before the surgery." This part gets shushed by the sane parts of my brain. ;)

And so I look at everybody and glare with green eyes. And I wait in anticipation for the moment that I can dive back in, excited and wide-eyed, full of wonder, and getting to play with the friends that I've made on the *BO forums.

I might look back later to respond, but I just wanted all of you to know that I hadn't forgotten you.

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