
Question (Destiny)

by kidtsunami @, Atlanta, GA, Monday, July 28, 2014, 01:31 (3783 days ago) @ General Vagueness

I was glad for its absence. I am sure that for every one time it provided me with useful information from a stranger, there would be ten times where I'd imagine I was playing Halo 2 online again.

No thanks :)

The inability to speak seemed strikingly out of place in a game designed to be as social as Destiny is.

Having the option to speak (or hear) doesn't mean you have to use it....

I'm getting more exasperated every time someone says they don't like a feature or don't use it and so they don't care if it's gone or they even like that it's gone (in Destiny and Halo, and I'm sure I'd feel the same way about other games if I got involved in their communities). Voice chat exemplifies it pretty well. It's fine if you don't like a feature or don't use it, that doesn't mean I shouldn't be able to, and me being able to use a feature doesn't mean you have to, choosing not to use it or turning it off would be very simple to do.
For the record, I can get behind preventing people from hearing randoms. I have difficulty getting behind requiring people to party up through their semi-external console party mechanism or to get in a very small in-game group to talk to each other.

So wait, what is this situation where you're with non-randoms where you're not in an in-game group?

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