Destiny wasn't fun for me. Sorry Bungie. (Destiny)

by Jabberwok, Sunday, July 27, 2014, 11:52 (3783 days ago) @ Captain Spark

Really? I found the nav markers almost too easy. Instead of just telling a destination, they actually designate a path to follow. Once I noticed the compass arrow it was really easy, and bringing up the ghost made it even easier. I almost never had to think about where to go.

I'm not sure what you mean about the spider tank. I suppose it's a bit like a scarab, because it has six legs? Other than that, it's not very similar. I like it, personally, though if you're going to accuse it of being unoriginal, you should be comparing it to Ghost in the Shell, not Halo.

I had no problems with the AI. Enemies disappear behind cover at long range, and don't come out, which makes total sense. There is less variety of enemies at once, and they are not as expressive as in the Halo games. It can be more difficult to sense that they are communicating or responding intelligently because it's more difficult to understand them. Aside from that, I thought they mostly acted as suspected, moving around based on my last known location. The only issue for me is repetitiveness of behavior in explore mode, but that's probably a scripting issue, not AI.

Just like me, you are playing a new title on outdated hardware. I was not surprised by the fidelity on 360 at all. If you look at the comparisons, it looks much better on PS4, probably XB1 as well. On top of that, this is a game with nearly constant, persistent multiplayer and large, outdoor areas. There's only so much an old system can handle.

As far as enemy frequency, I really hope they don't pack in more than they already did. If you don't see any enemies, walk 10 feet and look at your motion tracker. There is probably a whole pack of them just over the hill.

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