
Probably not a popular opinion but... (Destiny)

by Cody Miller @, Music of the Spheres - Never Forgot, Friday, July 25, 2014, 09:35 (3785 days ago) @ kapowaz

The prospect of this is actually intriguing, given then you would be guaranteed chat with your fellow raiders. I'm imagining tons of planning and communication will be a must.

This is what raids in WoW are generally like*, requiring a coordinated group of raiders, each with specialist roles, geared up appropriately and with the necessary communication tools (not to mention organisation and discipline; there's no guarantee you'll win each encounter on your first go, so part of a raid leader's role is to ensure people stay focused and don't lose it when they don't succeed). Based on what we've seen it would seem likely Bungie will be doing something similar for Raids in Destiny, although the team size is probably smaller (6 or 8 I'm guessing?).

This is why I am ultimately disappointed, since WoW is terrible and Destiny seems to be borrowing a lot from it. It's only saving are the great FPS elements underneath, but I can almost guarantee I will see that not making up for the worst aspects of the game. Many of the design decisions actually fight or actively undermine the FPS aspect of the game.

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