
Probably not a popular opinion but... (Destiny)

by narcogen ⌂ @, Andover, Massachusetts, Thursday, July 24, 2014, 18:28 (3786 days ago) @ kapowaz

The missions are pretty repetitive and get quite dull after a while. There's no real sense of any of them mattering or having any causality. In fact, I have to say the story is mostly lost on me right now. I know there's a ‘darkness’ coming, but does that refer to a specific race, or just all the enemies such as the Hive and Fallen?

I'm guessing neither, but rather some mysterious force behind all of those that are directing or inducing these races to antagonize humanity and the Traveler.

From the opening sequence it appears that my ghost brought me back to life, but that raises a TON of questions which aren't even remotely touched on. If you were brought back to life centuries later and dropped into a post-apocalyptic Earth defending it from aliens, wouldn't you have a few questions?

Perhaps, but I'm not sure which would be relevant to the tasks at hand in the game world. I suppose you could just imagine that you, yourself, went to bed one day and this is how you woke up. You'd have the usual questions about your friends and your family and what happened to them, and the answer would basically be, "yeah, they're all long gone". Or we could imagine the Destiny player is Fry from Futurama.

This isn't that unusual for Bungie; the protagonist in Marathon is also given little to no background before the action, but also apparently started the story as being a dead soldier.

We're capped at level 8 right now, which means not only are we not able to experience a lot of the game systems (crafting items? upgrading them with materials?) but we're also limited in where we can go. It may be that travelling to other worlds, and other parts of this world will help sculpt the immersive experience, but I think Bungie could do a lot more to sell us with the smaller scale things; missions that engage and involve more than just Collect X things/Kill Y enemies/Travel to point Z.

Yes I'm also feeling that the explore missions are a little more shallow than I'd want. I can see how this allows them to create many, many "different" missions but in reality they're all the same.

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