
How To Power Level? (Destiny)

by Malagate @, Sea of Tranquility, Friday, July 25, 2014, 05:58 (3818 days ago) @ kidtsunami

I've been thinking of the following strats:

  • Speed run the Story Missions until you're Level 6
  • Replay the Story Missions with Bounties at a higher difficulty
  • Go for Crucible Bounties once you've cleared your Vanguard bounties

Yeah, I'm thinking option 2. And having higher-level Fireteam members whittle down health on tougher enemies and then going for the kill; unless the exp gain is proportional to damage output. Which would make a lot of sense.

My other thought is running Strikes on the higher difficulty. Even if my Fireteam has to scrape me off the walls for a while, it ought to do the trick, I'd think.


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