
My First Story Mission (Destiny)

by Grizzlei ⌂ @, Pacific Cloud Zone, Earth, Thursday, July 24, 2014, 17:08 (3786 days ago) @ Claude Errera

Was doing a Warsat public event by myself, definitely underpowered for the Knights and Wizards that were showing up to take it away from me. Thought I was a goner (and so was the Warsat) when two Guardians showed up and saved my bacon. For something so seemingly trivial when I talk about it, that sort of thing is AWESOME.

That exact same thing happened to me on a Warsat event. I was doing pretty good until the Fallen and Hive started dropping in advanced troops. I wasn't getting killed, but my health was always down and I kept on having to waste my heavy ammo. Thankfully some angelic soul came in and saved me. In the end we were both killed and spawned after the event ended, failing it, but that feeling of camaraderie is so remarkable even between complete strangers.

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