My First Story Mission (Destiny)

by Claude Errera @, Thursday, July 24, 2014, 16:54 (3786 days ago) @ kidtsunami

I immediately got thrown into a Public Event and danced away with 4 other guardians.

I was just wandering around in explore mode and did a public event by myself and DAMN is the game that much more amazing with the magic of guardians coming over the hill.

I don't think it'd be Destiny if it was missing that magic.

Totally with you on this.

Was doing a Warsat public event by myself, definitely underpowered for the Knights and Wizards that were showing up to take it away from me. Thought I was a goner (and so was the Warsat) when two Guardians showed up and saved my bacon. For something so seemingly trivial when I talk about it, that sort of thing is AWESOME.

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