A Couple of Caveats (Destiny)

by someotherguy, Hertfordshire, England, Friday, July 18, 2014, 10:36 (3792 days ago) @ Speedracer513

I realise I come across as a bit of a whinger. Its just that Ive been so excited for Destiny. It comes from a place of love I swear.

I will concede that I've not really found a loadout Im super attached to yet. Theres so much variety (even within weapon types, which is obviously a plus) Ive been trying a bit of everything, so Im not entirely accustomedor attached to any one thing yet.

The other thing is, is voice chat disabled during Crucible matches? Either that or no one else is using their mic, which makes coordination pretty hard.

EDIT: That all said, Im gonna give it another shot tomorrow with some friends. Its entirely possible I wasnt in the right mindset, nd youve inspired me to give it another go.

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