Surprisingly Enamored by Crucible (Destiny)

by Numinar @, Friday, July 18, 2014, 10:12 (3792 days ago) @ Cody Miller

Bungie has been really, really good at this. Remember the ball and KOTH and territories mode in Myth? Even FFA worked in that and it was a freakin' RTS!

Lol. Body count only worked AFTER the 1.1 patch. In the original, if you lost all your units you couldn't win. So, what would happen is people would hang back and avoid everybody until the very end when they are whittled down. With the patch, if you died but had the most kills you would win, making incentive to actually engage.

Sorry if the quote is messed up, have no idea how to do it right.

I never played Body Count, seemed like a populist compromise to those without the patience for finer game modes.

Holy shit that sounds like I am an egotistical elitist SOB... but I really had no attraction to that game mode!

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