
Why do you hate your Xbox fans? (Destiny)

by General Vagueness @, The Vault of Sass, Monday, July 14, 2014, 18:29 (3795 days ago) @ petetheduck

While i appreciate that Deej is trying (that's why i love the guy) I agree that it feels more like a head-pat... It's just not the answer we were looking for.

I appreciate DeeJ's hat trick this week--DBO, Guardian Radio, and BWU all address the Xbox situation. Nothing has changed about the actual situation, but I appreciate that from DeeJ. But it makes you think--what IS the answer we're looking for? What can DeeJ do for us to make us happy?

I think the most realistic request from Bungie is hard dates on when Xbox will have content parity with Playstation, including some indication of expectations regarding the expansion exclusivity. I think that's an important piece of information to release prior to September 9th.

We've heard Fall 2015, but then that was retracted by Activision.

I don't like getting blindsided by additional exclusives coupled with incomplete information. I also don't like any bit of it, but, you know. I don't want to end up in the news again. More information wouldn't necessarily make me happy, but I attribute the lack of information to part of what has made me quite so unhappy.

The pipe dream answer would be "Activision messed something up, Xbox and PlayStation work the same"; the answer that's barely better than what we're getting is just what you said, knowing exactly when the time will be up on timed exclusives, and knowing which things are permanent exclusives. What most people who have problem with this are looking for, I don't know. What I'd like is for them to give dates for this stuff, say how it affects gameplay, and give at least some insight into how or why they did this-- as I've said, I'm pretty much certain that's entirely or almost entirely because of money, but transparency is always nice, and seeing the thought process might make things not ruffle feathers as much-- a decision you don't like but that you can understand is almost always going to be less upsetting than a decision you don't like that seems like it's for no reason.

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