Why do you hate your Xbox fans? (Destiny)

by petetheduck, Saturday, July 12, 2014, 10:00 (3797 days ago) @ GrimBrotherIII

While i appreciate that Deej is trying (that's why i love the guy) I agree that it feels more like a head-pat... It's just not the answer we were looking for.

I appreciate DeeJ's hat trick this week--DBO, Guardian Radio, and BWU all address the Xbox situation. Nothing has changed about the actual situation, but I appreciate that from DeeJ. But it makes you think--what IS the answer we're looking for? What can DeeJ do for us to make us happy?

I think the most realistic request from Bungie is hard dates on when Xbox will have content parity with Playstation, including some indication of expectations regarding the expansion exclusivity. I think that's an important piece of information to release prior to September 9th.

We've heard Fall 2015, but then that was retracted by Activision.

I don't like getting blindsided by additional exclusives coupled with incomplete information. I also don't like any bit of it, but, you know. I don't want to end up in the news again. More information wouldn't necessarily make me happy, but I attribute the lack of information to part of what has made me quite so unhappy.

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