Hmmm... (Destiny)

by GrimBrotherIII, Tuesday, July 08, 2014, 08:31 (3800 days ago) @ uberfoop

Bungie isn't going to miss your money... Not for a second... because millions upon millions of eager folks (smart folks... folks like myself) are still going to buy the crap out of this game...

...when you're making an argument, extremely condescending comments aren't going to get anyone on your side. And yeah, I'm fully aware that I have that problem sometimes, but that's some pretty blunt and easily-avoidable stuff right there.

My friend... I think you are (through no fault of your own) grossly misunderstanding my bizarrely sarcastic humor for condescension - and for this i apologize - I am not trying to be rude at all - and even though I do continue to stand behind what i said, i'm not saying that i don't think people can make a difference - that would be silly - what i AM saying is this: IN THIS CASE, i feel that that the amount of drama that has come with the backlash from the community (which HAS included ME) about this issue has been overkill, and in this case in particular i don't see it making much of a difference because i don't see that the "punishment matches the crime" as it were. Do you feel me on that?

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