
Really? That's your attitude? (Destiny)

by Zeouterlimits, Ireland, Tuesday, July 08, 2014, 07:43 (3800 days ago) @ GrimBrotherIII

"No one else will boycott this game purchase, so you shouldn't either"

How many protests or strikes or hell, even petitions would never be started if people took that attitude to the things they are unhappy about.
If you want to purely consider entertainment industry examples [and that would naive in my book], think of how it was purely a petition that got Dark Souls PC to happen.
There are so many people on this planet, people are never alone in how they feel.
And fan/community opinion is important, especially to Bungie, who value that, that's why DeeJ posted it.
He didn't tell people "cut it out with the "Boycott" crap", he clearly treated people's feelings with more respect.

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