Hear, hear, Sir Deej. (Destiny)

by GrimBrother IV, Monday, July 07, 2014, 17:00 (3890 days ago) @ GrimBrotherIII

As much as the seemingly preferential treatment still stings (I mean, THREE DAYS?) I think all this moaning and groaning -that I myself secretly partake in- about Bungie and us Xboxers being the best of friends these past many years should not immediately result in the assumption of betrayal but rather remind us if a track record constituting that maybe you fine folks have earned maybe just a bit of the being it of the doubt.

I won't say I'm not a bit put off by it all, but I know you understand and empathize with me, which just reenforces my decision to trust you on this one.

After all, you haven't let me down yet.

I can't wait to see what is in store.

See you Starside,

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