
Happy Bungie Day, Bungie.org (Destiny)

by Ragashingo ⌂, Official DBO Cryptarch, Monday, July 07, 2014, 16:53 (3890 days ago) @ Korny

You mean the ones that were announced and advertised ages ago? Ever since last year, the buzz has been that the PS4 version of Destiny would be the one to get. It was hinted and winked and as more news came out, it became more and more evident. That you decided to buy a different console anyway is not their concern, but you can't say that you had no idea.

Meh. I think the gaming industry is in a sad state if we all have to rely on winks and hints to make $400 - $500 decisions. Maybe it's not Bungie's fault, maybe it is but this was the best and only way to make Destiny the best it could be, but it still kinda sucks. Blaming the victim of a partially broken industry isn't the way to go about this...

You must have stepped out when it was announced over a year ago that the PS4 would be getting exclusive content thanks to their partnership.

Yeah, but that was the time when some executive looking guy spoke vaguely about an exclusive deal and then didn't give one tiny hint what that meant for us gamers. All I heard back then was "somewhere in the background, not connected to the $60+ you plan to spend on Destiny, deals have been made that may or may not benefit you. What deals? Nevermind that now."

Yes, admittedly the writing has been on the wall in favor of the PS4 version, but not everyone has the time to look at the wall. Instead, there should be clear concise communication about all of this. Not hints and asterisks.

You made a bad call, it happens, but you're buying a game. Destiny. Not Destiny: With-All-The-Stuff-That-The-PS4-Has-Because-That's-How-Timed-Exclusivity-Works. Besides, Destiny isn't the only game on the Xbox One, so your financial decisions haven't destroyed your world. Aren't you excited for the MCC?

Shouldn't Destiny be Destiny and the console not matter?

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