
Destiny will have a raid (Destiny)

by uberfoop @, Seattle-ish, Monday, June 23, 2014, 20:50 (3815 days ago) @ bluerunner

I'm extremely excited for 6 player coop. Especially if it's as challenging as they're making it out to be. Hopefully this means large scale encounters that dwarf the large Halo battles.

Eh, sort of maybe. The stuff they've said about their networking...


...makes it sound like the individual instances are still peer-to-peer. The alpha had some "large battles" in the sense of overall handling a large number of enemies over the course of an encounter, but it seemed like they only managed it via very firefighty design, starting with small groups and continually streaming in more small groups. I never had anything resembling that Halo feel of exploring how to pick away at a huge entity.

We might see battles where you kill hundreds of enemies over the run of the fight, but I'll be pleasantly surprised if we see a simultaneous equivalent to the Two Betrayals end battle, or the LZ on The Ark, or the Two Scarabs, or what have you.

It would certainly be nice, perhaps the biggest issue I had with the Destiny alpha was the lack of combat cycle.

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