
Destiny will have a raid (Destiny)

by Cody Miller @, Music of the Spheres - Never Forgot, Monday, June 23, 2014, 10:15 (3816 days ago) @ Dmiller

After working on the Vault of Glass, I'm confident that you will know the difference between a Raid and a Strike after you play them. One is a delicious snack shared with a friend, the other is a full feast for you and your whole family with weeks of leftovers.

Hmm. Snacks are something that you get out quickly and start eating, with no prep and not much fuss. A feast you have to prep for, sometimes days in advance.

Is it safe to say Raids will require time wasted with the investment system in order to be ready for them?

In other words, once I know the game inside and out, can I walk into the vault of glass and get by purely on me and my team's skills and knowledge?

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