
Digital Foundry Alpha Analysis (Destiny)

by uberfoop @, Seattle-ish, Monday, June 16, 2014, 18:38 (3822 days ago) @ Jabberwok

Was there? I don't think I ever felt that way at the time, and it sure is an easy thing to say in hindsight, when we've already seen what later products can look like.

There absolutely was among a lot of people.

Halo's 3, ODST, and Reach have all been ripped apart since their launches for their image quality. Halo 3 was running at a pretty low resolution with no anti-aliasing of any kind (and although the jaggies are usually what get called out, the game has loads of specular aliasing). Reach's choice of temporal AA was seemingly a little ambitious on a seventh-gen machine, resulting in a slightly soft image when not in motion (yay Quincunx resolve), no AA when in motion, and occasionally ghosting when the algorithm decides to blend pixels that it shouldn't.

Anyway, I doubt that 1080p will be relevant to me, because I will no doubt be playing this on a crappy, old TV.

1080p will look better than 720p even if you're playing on an SD CRT. Downsampling results in a cleaner, more stable image with better-filtered textures and less aliasing.

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