"You may rely on it" (Destiny)

by Danteburning ⌂, Valencia, CA, Saturday, May 03, 2014, 01:45 (3956 days ago) @ /Sekhmet/

Current analysis of the /rouge ichthyic/ image indicates a positive trend in Guardian progress. Pattern analysis suggests an anomalous frequency of the IV prime.

Been banging away at this thing all night trying to find different patterns.
I'm ignoring the shapes in the background for now; I'm not satisfied that's the main puzzle yet considering the explicit highlighting of the boxes.

Here's a couple of thoughts I had though in case it inspires anyone. I'm focusing mainly on the "anomalous frequency of the IV prime". Because it came from our dear AI, and because Bungie loves a good ol' fashioned numbah 7. haha

If you go from the top left corner and read left to right, the 7's appear in these positions in the grid: 1,12,35,41,44
I toyed with that for awhile, but I'm not seeing anything there, so I'm moving on for now.

Next I tried identifying rows and columns without 7s in them. The 4 squares like this near the center:

0 2
1 9

would be the cross-section of those 7-less columns and rows. Thought maybe it was a sudoku style puzzle and some numbers were wrong, but the grid isn't the right size.

I'm starting to get a case of the Number 23 here in that everything looks like a pattern. haha Anyone else still looking at this thing?

/Sekhmet/, any other useful patterns hidden in the occurrences of the IV prime? Possible mathematical patterns in the surrounding numbers?

I'm going to go back to some more simple ideas and work my way up from there. lol

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