
Continued (Destiny)

by SonofMacPhisto @, Friday, April 25, 2014, 19:48 (3873 days ago) @ Kermit

I'm weird. As a Mac gamer, I was used to being in the cold, but not being able to play everything kind of refined my choices. I don't know if I ever would have become a Bungie fan if I were not a Mac user first. Although I was interested, I didn't live and breathe gaming (unlike many around here), and part of that was that I didn't have a console (save for PONG) growing up, and I didn't get into it enough to invest in a PC rig. When I finally made the leap with the original Xbox, it began to open things up for me (despite the fact that I was primarily a Halo gamer for years), a console was generally cheaper than a good gaming PC and provided state of the art gaming for a longer period of time.

I was thinking about my own history on the way home, and it's basically going with whatever was available, which is what my parents will willing to buy me or let me have. Atari 2600, Apple IIe, Nintendo, PC, and then when I hit college it was XBOX then a long dry spell before the 360 and back to PC gaming.

Our discussion makes me realize I'm not anti-console by any means, just, perhaps anti-exclusivity? Anti-luxury? I hate the idea that only folks with means and privilege get to experience this stuff, cause it's so awesome. I also wonder if with the the new gen, and folks making games for the previous and current gen, there might be more openness to say cross brand play in the future.

I bet it's probably there amongst the studios/devs/whatever, it's just maybe the dudes at the top keeping the flood gates closed.

Of course, gamers buying habits will influence a lot of this, which are influenced heavily by games media propaganda, so that sucks. Eh, we'll see where it goes.

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