
*stands on relatively modest soapbox* (Destiny)

by Kermit @, Raleigh, NC, Friday, April 25, 2014, 13:58 (3874 days ago) @ SonofMacPhisto

Can you imagine showing me a movie you really loved, but I had to spend $400 on the right machine to play it on? Or a book you really liked, but the $400 (are we going here?) tablet I have to read it on? And sure, this is an old argument, but seeing you and Stabbim show me those games really drove it home in a personal way.

I'll just have to send you my PS3 at some point. Not really joking.

Why not play Halo on Playstaion? Why not Metal Gear on XBOX? There are not satisfactory answers for this. And if anyone talks about that free market competition capitalist bullshit I'll get out a REAL soap box. :P

I'm scared. :) I think there might be something to the argument that competition between Microsoft and Sony has made both better and by certain metrics created better value for gamers.

I'm weird. As a Mac gamer, I was used to being in the cold, but not being able to play everything kind of refined my choices. I don't know if I ever would have become a Bungie fan if I were not a Mac user first. Although I was interested, I didn't live and breathe gaming (unlike many around here), and part of that was that I didn't have a console (save for PONG) growing up, and I didn't get into it enough to invest in a PC rig. When I finally made the leap with the original Xbox, it began to open things up for me (despite the fact that I was primarily a Halo gamer for years), a console was generally cheaper than a good gaming PC and provided state of the art gaming for a longer period of time.

This community owes a lot to the limited and consistent nature of consoles along with its relatively low price of entry.

It's going to be interesting to see how it all develops given that we all won't be able to play together for Destiny.*

*At least I think that's a very safe prediction.


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