
'Without Notice" (Destiny)

by Kermit @, Raleigh, NC, Tuesday, April 22, 2014, 10:22 (3966 days ago) @ ridum

something is AMUCK [sic] at BUNGIE time will tell, ...

This run-on sentence contains two different ideas about the state of things. Yes, time will tell if something is wrong at Bungie, just as it has told before after Doug Zartman left, after Matt Soell left, after Alex left and so on.

Marty leaving is painful and has shaken me up personally, but ultimately all depends on what happens on launch day in September and on launch days thereafter. Same as it ever was.

Sonofmacphisto made a great point this weekend while we were talking about all the shakeups in the game industry the last few years. There's a lot of younger talent that has grown up playing these great games we love. We may not know them by name yet, but they're out there, and I think a lot of them are working for Bungie. The future could be different than we expected. It's not a bad idea to leave open the possibility that it could be better than we expected for Bungie, for us, and for Marty.

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