
Oh please let this be April Fools Day +10 (Destiny)

by Cody Miller @, Music of the Spheres - Never Forgot, Tuesday, April 15, 2014, 23:34 (3884 days ago) @ Grizzlei

May God have mercy on your fucking souls, Bungie. Hope it was worth it.

Like the few hundred others at Bungie who've done amazing work on Gnop, Operation Desert Storm, Pathways Into Darkness, Minotaur, Myth, Marathon, Halo, Pimps at Sea, and thus far on Destiny don't matter or anything. Please don't tell me you're truly this angsty.

Um, there's pretty much just ONE person who worked on those games left at Bungie: Jason Jones. There may be a few myth people left, and probably some Halo folk.

The company before you is pretty much entirely new from the Halo days.

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