
Story and Gaming - Titanfall Edition (Off-Topic)

by SonofMacPhisto @, Tuesday, March 25, 2014, 11:07 (3983 days ago)

Been playing this game like crazy. I very much enjoy campaign, as the flavor it adds to the matches is enjoyable. The story itself isn't anything too crazy (and gets instantly better if you just pretend it's the war before Firefly), and is really difficult to follow the first couple times through. 3-4 times through, you basically get it.

It's got some cool moments. The back and forth between MacAllen and Graves is enjoyable, and the twist on "We'll let the endgame decide who's right, and who's dead" while predictable, adds a bit of narrative weight to the proceedings.

The other characters are pretty stock, but, they grow on you a bit.

And holy shit those cutscenes right before the "Battle of Demeter." Fancy some ODST only better, or perhaps some Saving Private Titanfall? Way better way to start a match than "Beep... beep... beep... DING."

Overall, I sort of see it as a first effort, something slightly experimental, not all that good, but interesting. Looking forward to see where it goes (campaign DLC? Man vs. Machine mode? All that is set up nicely).

Two things though I think are really excellent: I'm glad they didn't go for a traditional campaign story, because hey, those Modern Warfare games aren't exactly the Shakespeare of our medium, amirite? Second, the set pieces that develop thanks to the splendid mechanics that is Titanfall blow away much of what I've played in singleplayer games as very as excitement and tension go.

What say y'all?

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