I guess movies can be good or enjoyable, not both (Destiny)

by electricpirate @, Saturday, December 14, 2013, 18:07 (4005 days ago) @ Cody Miller

I guess movies can be good or enjoyable, not both


I mean Cody was trying to show how the progression system are bad in a way different from how cliches are "bad"; cliches are something that we criticize but ultimately poke fun at, whereas the progression systems don't even get satirized into good products.

Or at least that's how I read it. Idunno.

Correct. You can make a movie full of cliches and satirize that, and still have a good movie. You can't make a game full of bad design decisions, pass it off as satire, and still have a good game.

It's rare, but then again, procedural deconstructions are kind of a thing people are still figuring out. Little inferno does it quite beautifully though. http://store.steampowered.com/app/221260/

And my favorite critique of it! http://www.errantsignal.com/blog/?p=419

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