
The question still remains

by narcogen ⌂ @, Andover, Massachusetts, Tuesday, February 19, 2013, 05:55 (4405 days ago) @ tarehart

Ah, I had not realized the old model was well suited to low-bandwidth hosts. I always just assumed they had either failed to invest in their model sufficiently or had some bizarre ideas about which latency artifacts were the lesser evils.

Umm... it isn't. As a low-bandwidth host, I can absolutely tell you that modern Bungie coop code cannot cope with it. I've got a ping of 250ms and upstream bandwidth of about 1Mbps... and Halo 3 coop is an unplayable slideshow on XBL.

I suppose it all depends on what one considers "low bandwidth". It was designed for a "server" to be, from a CPU power and bandwidth perspective, no different from any other client. Not an actual peer to peer network architecturally, but not the way PC gaming servers are built, either.

MS didn't used to let outside developers host their own game servers. Don't know if they've changed that. If not, then Destiny will run the way Halo does-- one of the client consoles will act as a server.

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