
Beginnings & Ends (DBO)

by squidnh3, Wednesday, October 09, 2024, 14:29 (17 days ago) @ INSANEdrive

Squiddy - Congrats again on getting hitched! It's always been a pleasure playing alongside ya, and I'm happy to have assisted when I could in your completionist endeavors. Among everyone else here, I've had some of my favorite Co-Op moments in gaming playing along side ya, and my only real sadness is the rarity I've had to play alongside more. I know you have more important (and probably far better looking) co-op adventures right now, but for the future gaming-wise at least, if I can get my own shit in order I'd love to play alongside ya once more wherever these virtual fields roll.

Thanks Insane, we definitely had some fun with those pointless triumphs! Enjoy your alternate endeavors.

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