Beginnings & Ends (DBO)

by Claude Errera @, Monday, October 07, 2024, 08:41 (19 days ago) @ INSANEdrive

Gonna be weird, ironically, to have an INSANEdrive-free forum. I'll definitely miss you.

The BIG POST of Useful Sites

So, confession time here, I've been sitting on a *mostly* done and updated list with new formatting, but, for much the same reasons for the "pending videos" above... eh? Even with it being an ever attached brainchild, is it still useful? Is there still enough use to warrant the effort? Not to mention, that even --if-- when I do go and update it, odds are... that with such an update, that will be it from me folks. So then, should it be let loose? Untethered from the top of the forum (though more likely it would easier simply removed), or would someone else like to have the mantle passed? I don't know, but here's the chance to speak to it folks.

I still use it. I don't know if that's enough for you to update it (one last time), but I actually went hunting for a particular site I couldn't remember just 2 days ago. (Found it, too!)

Just my 2 cents.

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