
I’m of two minds about this. (Destiny)

by Cody Miller @, Music of the Spheres - Never Forgot, Wednesday, August 21, 2024, 17:29 (66 days ago) @ Kermit

Just me thinking in the abstract, but I wonder about the delta between working from scratch to create something (the old way), and working on an endless supply of subpar content in order to make it par or maybe even actually good.


The creators of this have since said that literally every shot had to be extensively reworked in post, with tons of visual effects to fix or make work things Sora could not get. There is no shot in there that did not have human VFX artists rework. We aren't just talking about obvious things like adding the balloon, but fixing elements of the video that warp or change over time, or that came out malformed.

They have said it would have been cheaper, and less work to simply shoot it themselves traditionally.

Video games are significantly more complex than films, so you extrapolate the consequences.

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