
Except... (Destiny)

by Schooly D, TSD Gaming Condo, TX, Wednesday, November 27, 2013, 09:16 (4099 days ago) @ Leviathan

Not to me. From everything I've read and seen, plus realizing the vast amount I have NO idea about, Destiny seems strange and new to me. Obviously if you want to make comparisons with the incomplete data we have, you can. But I find it exciting that Bungie has been reluctant to describe it using established labels, and I'm happy to do the same. It's too easy to categorize experiences and put them in a box under your bed, but that takes away from the wonder and mystique- the adventure. I'm looking forward to trying Destiny with a somewhat-blank slate.

Okay. Since it's difficult to argue a post filled with so many personal qualifications, I'll just go back to the original point.

RC said:

Because while it shares certain elements, takes inspiration from them, it's also changed in the established Bungie style into something that doesn't easily fit into established boxes and stereotypes.

This is an assertion. "It is changed in the established Bungie style... doesn't easily fit into established boxes and stereotypes."

I ask for evidence:

How do you know that? What have you seen? Because what we have seen can be described as "Bungie Borderlands" as one IGN article put it.

I don't think I'm out of bounds in making the Borderlands comparison. The only substantial difference we've seen between Destiny and BL is the "public event" mechanic, the appearance of which was so brief and the explanation of which so vague it's difficult to carve that notch into the tally.

I'm not saying you're not allowed to have faith. I'm not saying Bungie should or shouldn't release X amount of info. But RC's post and my question were about facts. He made a claim. I asked for evidence.

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