
fair enough (Destiny)

by Durandal, Wednesday, November 27, 2013, 07:23 (4101 days ago) @ kidtsunami

WoW's mechanics are well known, and to get a character to the end game, the ultimate goal of most players, requires some knowledge of the mechanics up front due to the enormous time sink needed.

Furthermore, a high level character in WoW will mop the floor with a lower level character. Even at the same level, the difference between high end gear and low end gear is enough that you could sometimes win 2v1 fights. It happened to me several times back when I played.

So for Blizzard, there is enourmous pressure to let people know ahead of time how things will work, because the time investment for players is huge and being stuck with the wrong gear means hours wasted.

Other F2P games like World of Tanks or Star Conflict have the same issue, where patches can take your favorite tank or ship and make it worthless overnight. So the Devs usually try to talk about things up front because otherwise players feel that they have been cheeted or robbed when something they worked on for months becomes nerfed or useless to them.

From the statements so far, Bungie doens't seem to have the same issue. The level and gear delta is more a customization feature then a power level, and no one has invested any game time yet, so changes don't cause any loss to players. The statisitaical info is also in a big flux at this time too. Damage per shot, range, RoF are all items that need a high amount of testing to balance out, and that testing isn't complete.

So Bungie doesn't really have the same pressure to tell us stuff, and leaked info can cause confusion and misinterpretation. As much as we hunger for information, (and I would really like space combat with my custom ship) anything Bungie says will be sized upon and pondered over endlessly, with rampant speculation.

I'm sure they don't want to be reminded how we were promised we could drive around the whole ring of Halo again.

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