
Secret Santa 2013 Sign-Ups (Recruitment)

by Tex @, Monday, November 18, 2013, 08:57 (3862 days ago) @ JDQuackers

1) Your name and/or forum handle

2) Your e-mail address

3) A brief introductory statement.
I'm just a small town girl, who moved to the big city with big dreams...just to find out the only way to make it in the big city is to shake it.

Seriously though, I'm a structural engineer who likes cosplay, corgis, psyduck and has just started getting into HP Lovecraft stories/lore (I frequent the audio books/radio dramas while I work on costumes in my garage late into the night).

4) Are you exclusive to HBO or DBO (in other words, do you only visit one or the other)? And if yes, then which?

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