
IN (Recruitment)

by Mid7night ⌂ @, Rocket BSCHSHCSHSHCCHGGH!!!!!!, Tuesday, November 12, 2013, 08:54 (3868 days ago) @ JDQuackers

1) Your name and/or forum handle

Ben, aka Mid7night

2) Your e-mail address

benharber (at) mac (dot) com

3) A brief introductory statement.

I model airplanes, both digitally and for-reals. I also have been known to produce music from a guitar and my mouth, often simultaneously. I am a new father of a future-world-leader, so remember his name; Oberon. My personal motto is "Ready", however my motto with regards to RC-airplanes is taken from Launchpad McQuack, "If it has wings, I can crash it." :D

4) Are you exclusive to HBO or DBO

Started out on HBO many moons ago, got excited when DBO formed, and frequent both quite equally...even though I haven't actually played a video game in months...(remember that "new father" bit?) ;)

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