
Spoilers - don't even open if you don't want 'em (Destiny)

by INSANEdrive, ಥ_ಥ | f(ಠ‿↼)z | ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ| ¯\_(ツ)_/¯, Monday, January 25, 2021, 18:52 (1196 days ago) @ Claude Errera

I never noticed the hawks in that section in any run. In the next section at the end it says follow the hawks. It took a few runs before I saw one near the exit.

Also a FYI: If you die at the end and respawn back at beginning of the last jumping area, and your teammates pop the chest, you get only 90 seconds to get back to the chest. If you miss a jump you are screwed. And the hawkmoon does not go to the postmaster.


This problem exists in the Prophecy dungeon, as well; the two secret chests have 30-second timers. If you're not all there when it opens, you're probably not all getting what's inside.

For the record: We waited (just as Blue & Blaze waited for me after my game soft crashed). Ultimately Blue said go for it. Fortunately, Blue had already received what he was after, as this occurred during the second scheduled run of the evening.

It should also be noted that, I think, the reason Blue went all the way back to the starting spawn of the 2nd half is because of what happened to me.

Not sure what happened here. Had to soft reboot.

When I rejoined, I was dropped at the start of the 2nd half. That's why, I think, Blue was pushed back to the original spawn as well when he manually respawned (though please correct me if this is incorrect, of course). I'm still not sure exactly what happened.

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