It's also not even just about offending people... (Gaming)

by EffortlessFury @, Friday, December 11, 2020, 08:44 (1533 days ago) @ kidtsunami

Jokes, like any other kind of speech, can perpetuate harmful ideas. Not harmful in the sense that it may be offensive to some individual but in the sense that when enough people buy into those perspectives, it can be systemically harmful to groups of people. That this phenomenon occurs isn't just an opinion, it is researched fact. If we care about people, we should be mindful not to perpetuate harm. If certain patterns of speech are known to perpetuate harm, and one has empathy, it seems reasonable to me that such self-censorship is a natural conclusion.

A rerelease shouldn't cut content but perhaps should include a preface, similar to Looney Tunes. A remaster, to me, sits in-between a rerelease and a remake; they can often redo art and sound to bring them to a modern standard. Edits to the script to adapt to modern cultural progression seems to be, IMO, an analogous change.

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