
Real time review of this video Part 6 (Destiny)

by narcogen ⌂ @, Andover, Massachusetts, Tuesday, July 09, 2019, 14:56 (1974 days ago) @ narcogen

He's comparing reddit shitposts about COO content with... the Myth 2 installer bug.

Five minutes left. I think I need to take a break before I finish this.

Outsourcing to VV is positioned as some kind of "trick" used to counter community complaints.

I swear the first two mentions of annual passes were complaints, but the last one is positioned as some kind of improvement. There doesn't seem to be much consistency on this issue-- he's just summarizing a source without citation at different points, so at some times annual passes are bad because you have to buy them, and other times, they're good because then you don't have to buy individual DLCs.

"Inside of a quarterly earnings report, Activision had stated that Forsaken had underperformed, and did not meet expectations. This would quickly make waves through the Internet. This was Destiny's biggest experience, and it was not satisfying. What followed from Bungie employees would submit Bungie's final stance between the publisher and the gamers."

Okay, he lost me at the end of that last sentence and I needed breadcrumbs to get out.

At several points the narrator talks about "expectations" but it's not clear what he's talking about. In the above, I'd clearly assume that Activision is talking about financial results, but then he dovetails that right into "this was Destiny's biggest experience, and it was not satisfying". That's not really the opinion of ANYONE I know regarding Forsaken. It might not have satisfied Activision's expectations, but it isn't clear this is a reference to that, and even if it is, it's redundant.

The video treats Bungie's dumping of Activision as if it is somehow more momentous than their departure from Microsoft, which is... interesting, to say the least.

The New Light experience is summarized as "it's a free version of the game"... yeah, that's true, but...

The script and the delivery are flagging near the end of this.. "what turned into two college kids making games"... no, that's what it was when it started, what it *turned into* was a 700+ employee self-publishing independent developer.

...and now the Twilight Zone framing device again, which this really did not need. He's closer to looking at the camera this time, though.

A lot of talk here about ideas and freedom... even though what those ideas are, or why freedom is necessary to express them, was not something this video ever talked about. There was never, ever any discussion of themes, of any of Bungie's titles, old or new.

Credits go to "The Dudes" and "members of the discord" (Don't know if he means Destiny 2 or his own). Should have been a lot more mention of the producers of professional docs and vidocs he used footage from, but okay.

I have dunked on this enough. It's not as bad as I make out, as I've focused almost exclusively on things I saw either as flaws, or that I would personally have done differently.

There's not much meat on the bones here, at least not for the audience here at DBO. Most of the info covered is from the Halo and Destiny eras, which most recent fans know better than the older stuff, which gets little attention here. It's a decent enough summary of major events in Bungie's timeline, but there's no clear thesis or theme that hangs the content together aside from chronology.

Maybe the next video on the channel will be more... ah, I see, it's "The Ultimate Waifus Tier List"... ok I'm done.

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