
Thanks (blush) (Destiny)

by Cody Miller @, Music of the Spheres - Never Forgot, Tuesday, July 09, 2019, 13:58 (1974 days ago) @ narcogen

I watched this video in Orlando this weekend; I had some free time in my hotel room. (It was either this or an episode of Stranger Things. Clearly I made the wrong choice in hindsight, but I didn't know it at the time.)

Yeah, I would not have made that choice. I'm only watching this because of....

(checks notes)


Thanks, man.

When it ended, I thought "I wouldn't even BEGIN to know where to start criticizing this thing." And so I left it alone.

I'm glad you didn't. :)

I felt obliged.

Of course now it just makes me think somebody needs to do a much, much better job of this.

NoClip hasn't done anything on Bungie, have they?

NeoGAF thread:


I don’t think Bungie would agree to do a no-clip thing. Those are basically marketing videos anyway, and Bungie has Jim McQuillan who can just make a ViDoc that would probably be better.

Also thank you narc for the summary.

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