
Halo 4/5 writing lost me (Gaming)

by Durandal, Thursday, June 13, 2019, 04:23 (2082 days ago) @ ManKitten

Gameplay was ok, but the writing became too generic sci-fi and lost the unique hallmarks of military sci-fi that dominated the Bungie made ones. To many human characters picked up idiot balls, too many AI characters did the same. I hated the Forrunner lore and how the characters were portrayed in 4, and Cortana's heel turn in 5. Greg Bear may be a good writer, but his Forrrunner series were too random and illogical, and felt to divergent from the initial concepts.

It seemed to me little different from Gears of War, which before had always struggled to be "Halo but totally cooler and not that nerd garbage".

A return to what made the series great requires a return to the tone and writing of the "Deliver Hope" style adds that showed the ODST marines and the diorama and Museum of Humanity. This, while giving some clue to story doesn't really do much for me.

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