
Preach it, Urk (Destiny)

by Kermit @, Raleigh, NC, Friday, June 07, 2019, 13:45 (2014 days ago) @ Beorn

As a reality check, though: they can't afford not to think about a commercial model or have a business plan. That has to be part of the equation.

Absolutely, and it seems like they've found a way to maintain a viable financial model for Destiny going forward. I would imagine that cutting Activision out of the revenue stream will help substantially with that.

I certainly hope so!

And my experience in life is that you get what you pay for. I pay, for instance, for the privilege of never watching TV commercials.

I'm with you 100%. I pre-ordered the Shadowkeep Collector's Edition from the Bungie Store yesterday. I'm on board. ;-) I have happily supported Bungie for many years, and I have rarely been disappointed with my 'investment.'

Me too! [secret handshake]

And my experience of "free-to-play" is that those games become tacky (if they're not born that way), and the need to insert adverts that generate revenue distract from the way I like to experience games.

I haven't played many free-to-play games (see previous point above), but those I have played (Apex Legends!) have seemed to walk the line appropriately. I have zero issue with the "new" Eververse setup. I've been saying since the store launched in D1 that I'd pay extra for the ability to get the things I want, rather than roll the dice. I think this is the right approach.

I admit that I'm speaking from limited experience, because I haven't played many free games for long. Perhaps this free-to-play hype will be good for Bungie, but personally I'm hoping it's more what someone here called free-to-try.

It's interesting to see all of the little changes that are happening now that Bungie owns the pipeline.


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