
Fan Fiction Submission - Destiny: Birthright (Fan Creations)

by Quirel, Wednesday, September 18, 2013, 20:45 (3902 days ago) @ Katsuhiro

Love it, Quirel - and agreed, if you're going to do space magic, at least establish internal consistency beforehand... I think Destiny has Halo 4 beat on that front.

Because of the more fantastical elements Destiny is planned with? Agreed.

Though, if the Traveler protected someone from a point-blank nuclear explosion, I'd still complain. Maybe.

It sounds trivial, but a lot of what drove me from Halo 4 was the armour design. Insectoid, lacking pragmaticism; machine rounded contours, scarring, a sense of utility.

Ugh. The Spartans looked like they were wearing spandex with styrofoam blocks glued on in odd places. All of it, absolutely all of it, looked like it was dipped in liquid anime.
And Hell, what they did to the Marine armor... *Hangs head in shame*

And spacecloaks?

I love spacecloaks.

I prefer spacecloaks as an accessory to a stillsuit. Therefore, the class I choose in Destiny will be the one that looks best suited to a month-long deployment on Arakkis.

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