
Fan Fiction Submission - Destiny: Birthright (Fan Creations)

by Quirel, Tuesday, September 17, 2013, 11:34 (3896 days ago) @ Katsuhiro

Quirel you old dog, good to see you here as well, Sir!

Where the Bungie community goes, I go.
Except to LAN parties. =(

I saw Captain Raspberry has an unpublished draft up on the Fanfiction section - have you started writing any stories yet?

Started, yes. Might even finish someday soon.
The concept art that's been released has been a gold mine of ideas and concepts... none of which have really gelled yet.

Looking forward to more canon information being released - tough to flesh out a story without having the basic lore to hand. Even so, the series has my imagination far more fired up than Halo 4 ever could - Forerunner bullet sponges? Pah!

Next time you feel the Halo 4 blues, take one of these and call me in the morning.

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