
Roguelikes (Off-Topic)

by Harmanimus @, Sunday, December 31, 2017, 22:05 (2462 days ago) @ cheapLEY

I enjoy the genre in a lot of ways, and the experiential potential. Rogue is just a forever game for me. The Binding of Isaac just happens to have some of my favorite implementations. Ziggurat (in my list) has Rogue-like elements put pretty front and center. Another one high on my list is/was Rogue Legacy. But it is really hard at New Game++++ when you did New Game++ and New Game+++ on one life.

And Unexplored is not a game I had previously heard of. The self-referential generation sounds really interesting and definitely worth looking into. Most Rogue-likes thrive on the balance of what they choose to keep familiar and what they choose to make fresh each run. So something that will walk the edge of both is interesting. In fact I have poor impulse control and purchased it prior to even trying to watch that video.

Dead Cells is on my radar. But I haven't picked it up yet. A lot of the ideas remind me of Rogue Legacy which is built around building up your lineage, granting you improved stats on subsequent runs to help you overcome the harder challenges.

A list of games I consider worth looking into with Rogue elements:

Don't Starve/Together
Dungeon's of Dredmor
Nuclear Throne
Risk of Rain

I tend to stick to suggesting those. Otherwise it is pushing into ASCII/text styled or crazy obtuse ones. Like Dwarf Fortress. There are others I'm sure I'm forgetting, though.

But yeah. I think most games actually have the potential to draw quality things from concepts of Rogue-likes but it is rare I see those pulled into more traditional game genres.

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