
The Games of 2017. (Off-Topic)

by CruelLEGACEY @, Toronto, Saturday, December 30, 2017, 12:57 (2370 days ago) @ Vortech

I play both and I would not ever say it was a big enough problem to warn someone against the multi-platformm life, but I do have trouble adjusting in games where you need quick and precise movement. The sticks are different noun between the PS4 and XBONE controllers that it throws me. I fixed it a little by adjusting sensitivity, but it's not really a sensitivity difference it is a difference in response curve and range. I could fix some of it with my XBOX pro controller, but think I prefer that, so until Sony makes a pro controller I just have to be OK with sucking for the first few rounds of Titanfall whenever I switch.

Titanfall 2 is the specific game where I have the most trouble switching back and fourth between consoles (which is to say not much trouble, but some). It's because the placement of the left thumbstick and left d-pad actually impacts the way I play. With the Xbox controller, I can keep my left thumb on the left stick to keep myself moving at all times. When I need to drop a titan, I can reach over with my right thumb and hit the D-pad without ever taking my left thumb off the movement stick. It lets me do things like this:

But on the PS4, the only way for me to reach the D-pad is to take my left thumb off the thumbstick, therefore stopping any movement I have going on. I've learned to adapt a bit... I often try to call in my Titan while I'm in mid-air, therefore my momentum is keeping me moving rather than the thumbstick. But it isn't ideal.

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